Monitoring Services at United Central Station
Expanded 2-Way Voice Alarm Monitoring Capabilities
Expanded 2-Way Voice Alarm Monitoring Capabilities. United Central Station currently supports multiple 2-way voice communication boards from many of the top manufacturers.
- 2-Way Voice Communication
POTS-Alternative (TCP/IP, Radio, Cellular) Solutions
We support several alternative solutions to POTS (dial up) communications for both primary and secondary alarm communications (radio, GSM, cellular, IP monitoring).
- Radio, GSM, Cellular, IP Monitoring
We have successfully endured the test of time and supported many formats over the years. We have supported, and continue to support, dial-up digital communication formats.
- Dial-up Digital Communication Formats
Basic Monitoring
We define basic monitoring as everything you need for the typical residential or commercial customer. It includes test signal supervision, generous zone allocation, and supervised trouble signals.
- Generous Zone Allocation
- Free Monthly Test Signal Supervision
UL Monitoring
We offer UL monitoring for fire alarms and burglar alarms.
- Fire and Burglar Alarms
Open/Close Monitoring
We highly recommend open/close monitoring as standard on any commercial account. Reports can be automatically faxed or emailed.
- Standard on Commercial Accounts
IP Monitoring
Alarm signals are sent over the internet directly to our IP receivers. We currently monitor GE, DSC, and Ademco/Honeywell IP transmitters.
- Ademco/Honeywell
- GE
Radio Monitoring
We currently offer Honeywell AlarmNet and DSC Connect Uplink, Telular,, and other radio service providers.
- Telular
- DSC Connect Uplink
Our operators use your name when responding to alarm signals from your accounts. When your customers call us they hear a generic greeting which does not mention our name. Custom greetings and call back numbers are also available.
- Personal Phone Calls
- Custom Greetings
Technical Support
Our operators can provide basic user level assistance to your customers. They can help with arming, disarming, bypassing, silencing trouble conditions, and other functions of most alarm panels.
- User Level Assistance
Contact Us Today about Our Special Dealer Programs
Contact United Central Station today to discuss our special dealer programs. We’re aggressive in onboarding new clients and are here to help you grow your business. Contact us today and schedule a time to talk with one of our central station experts.